The 72nd Convention

of the

Diocese of the Rio Grande

Convention Registration

The 2024 Diocesan Convention will be held at the Cathedral of St. John in Albuquerque, NM November 8th-9th. Online registration for the 2024 Diocesan Convention is open. The online registration form can be completed by clicking here: Registration Form

It is helpful to complete registration forms sooner. It will make check-in at Convention flow more smoothly and helps in planning for food and space.


A discounted rate has been arranged at two “sister” hotels that are located next to each other. Information on rates and how to book your stay is available here: Hotel Information or you can just book your stay here: Book Hotel. Any reservations for lodging must be made by October 24, 2024, in order to received the discounted rate and subject to availability.

Directions and Parking Advice

The Cathedral of St. John is located at 318 Silver Ave SW, Albuquerque, NM 87102. Parking information is below. We encourage you to carpool, if possible. As we work with neighbors, we will update parking information.

Parking is available on Friday, November 8th in the following locations:

  • Cathedral parking lot - 318 Silver Ave SW

  • Cathedral Annex lot (NW corner of 3rd & Silver)

  • Center for Civic Policy (former MFA building) - 344 4th Street SW (NW corner of 3rd & Lead)

  • Meter parking on surrounding streets (7 am - 6 pm, $1.00/hour)

Parking is available on Saturday, November 9th in the following locations:

  • Cathedral parking lot - 318 Silver Ave SW

  • Cathedral Annex lot (NW corner of 3rd & Silver)

  • Center for Civic Policy (former MFA building) - 344 4th Street SW (NW corner of 3rd & Lead)

  • First United Methodist Church - 315 Coal Ave SW

  • Meter parking on surrounding streets (7 am - 6 pm, $1.00/hour)



To be released in late October 2024

Nominations - OPEN POSITIONS

The following positions will be elected at convention. To learn more about the roles & responsibilities, click here: Position descriptions

Nominations must be received by September 9, 2024. Email nominations forms to:

For Nomination forms, click here: Nomination Form

  • Diocesan Treasurer – As treasurer is a member of Diocesan Council, a Trustee of the Property, a member of the Finance Committee, and a member of the Investment Board. The Treasurer also participates in a leadership retreat (in-person) in January. The Treasurer works with assistant treasurer(s) to help in their work.

    • elect one (1) lay or one (1) clergy person for a three (3) year term.

  • Cathedral Chapter - Members meet at least once a year, and/or as called.

    • elect one (1) lay or one (1) clergy person for a three (3) year term.

  • Commission on Ministry to the Baptized - Members meet at least 3 times per year, and/or as called.

    • elect one (1) lay for a four (4) year term.

  • Standing Committee/Trustees of the Property – All members of the Standing Committee also serve as Trustees of the Property. Members of Standing Committee meet at least 6 times per year, and/or as called; and Trustees of the Property meet 2 times each month, and/or as called. They also participate in a leadership retreat (in-person) in January

    • elect one (1) lay for a three (3) year term, and

    • elect one (1) clergy person for a three (3) year term.

  • Diocesan Council - Members meet 6 times per year, and/or as called. Members also participate in a leadership retreat (in-person) in January

    • elect one (1) lay person for a two (2) year term, and

    • elect one (1) lay person for a one (1) year term, and

    • elect one (1) clergy person for a two (2) year term.

  • Disciplinary Board – Members meet 2 times per year, and/or as called

    • elect one (1) lay person for a four (4) year term, and

    • elect one (1) clergy person for a four (4) year term, and

    • elect one (1) clergy person for a three (3) year term.

You can review profiles of those seeking election to one of the positions above, by clicking the link below:

Link available around September 30th - Candidate profiles by position

Convention Voting App

Link available at Convention - Click here to access the Convention ballots.


Pre-Convention Conversations

There will be a series of meeting held via Zoom to learn about items coming up for decision by Diocesan Convention. This is an opportunity to hear about that work, to ask questions, and to provide feedback. The following dates and topics have been scheduled (note: dates and times are subject to change):

Tuesday, October 29, 2024, 6:00 PM - Proposed 2025 DRG Operating Budget

Wednesday, October 30, 2024, 6:00 PM - Proposed resolutions and proposed changes to the Diocesan Constitution & Canons

Wednesday, November 6, 2024, 6:00 PM - Bishop’s Address to Convention

Transcripts of Pre-Convention Conversations are planned for release in early November 2024


Proposed Budget

A draft of the 2025 Diocesan Budget has been formed by the Diocesan Council and is in the process of being presented to the deaneries to seek feedback from delegates to convention. Please contact your Dean or Vice-Dean for information as to when your deanery will have the opportunity to hear and provide feedback.

Proposed Resolutions & Proposed cAnonical Changes

Convention Resolutions are due September 9, 2024. Any proposed resolution(s) can be emailed to:

Coming Soon! Proposed Canonical Change

Coming Soon! Courtesy Resolutions


Bishop’s Address to Convention

Release planned for early November 2024 - Video and transcript of the Bishop’s Address to Convention


Convention Necrology

Link to submit Necrology information will be available in October 2024. - Coming Soon! Click here to submit names for the Necrology to be read at the 2024 Convention Eucharist.


The following reports are planned to be received by Convention:

Report of the Minutes of Diocesan Council

Report of the Minutes of the Standing Committee

Report of the Minutes of the Trustees of the Property

Informational reports -

Treasurer’s Report to Convention

2024 Official Acts of the Bishop

Diocesan Life Report

Clergy licensed and unlicensed

Clergy Seniority List

Ministry Reports

Bishop’s Ridge Camp and Conference Center Report

Report on Diocesan Christian Formation activities

2024 RGBM Report with Financials